Solar Frequently Asked Questions

What direction should my roof face for a solar system?

In the Midwest, south-facing roofs are ideal for solar panels. However, east and west-facing roofs can also capture sunlight effectively. Arrow Solar's design and engineering team will provide energy production designs and reports tailored to your project.

Do I need to mount my solar panels on the roof or is a ground mount an option?

Roof-mounted solar arrays are common but ground mounts are also an option. The best choice depends on your location, local building codes, and site conditions. Arrow Solar can help determine the best mounting system for you.

Can I install solar panels myself?

It is not recommended to install solar panels yourself. Proper installation requires qualified electrical and roofing expertise to ensure safety and optimal performance. Manufacturer warranties often require certified installation.

How does a solar system affect my roof integrity?

With proper design and installation, your roof will maintain its integrity. Many roof types require no additional attachments to the roof facing.

Can my homeowners association or neighbors prevent me from installing a solar system?

In many states, Solar Access Laws protect against restrictions on solar energy systems. Work with a certified installer like Arrow Solar to navigate local laws and policies.

Is my house eligible for solar power?

Factors such as roof design, available space, and shading determine eligibility. Arrow Solar conducts property assessments to design the best solar energy system for your home.

How long does installation usually take?

Residential solar installation typically takes one to two days. Preparation, including permit approvals and equipment procurement, can take several weeks. Arrow Solar handles permitting and keeps you updated throughout the process.