Solar Frequently Asked Questions

How do solar systems perform in extreme weather conditions?

Solar panels are designed to withstand extreme weather, including hail, strong winds, and snow. They are tested to endure impacts from 1” hailstones at over 50 mph and remain securely mounted in winds exceeding 140 mph.

How does snow/ice affect my solar system's performance?

While snow or ice can temporarily reduce energy output by covering panels, this is offset by long, sunny summer days. Solar panels are designed to shed snow quickly due to their angle and the heat they produce. Arrow Solar designs systems to optimize performance based on local weather data, minimizing the impact of winter conditions on annual production.

How will weather affect my solar array?

Weather influences solar energy production. Bright sunlight is ideal, but panels still generate power on overcast days. Overall energy production peaks in summer due to longer daylight hours. Cold, sunny winter days also enhance efficiency. Solar panels continue producing power unless completely covered.